Why Sprint?

20 years’ design and agency experience

When I first started in user experience design 20 years ago, most digital products and websites sat somewhere on the periphery of our lives.
Now, they are the Sun.

Nearly all of our leisure, work, household, health, and even personal fulfillment are touched by, or centered around, some digital product, content, or website.

Creating these experiences is not an exercise of reclusive creative genius — it’s the magical marriage of skills, subject matter knowledge, and user insight working toward a shared vision and desired outcome. There are tools and tactics to unlock that kind of fruitful collaboration.

We’re experts in our disciplines — user research, UX and UI design, copywriting, and others. We’re also experts in an agile design process.

Our creative sprint approach is the outcome of two decades working with all sizes of companies across industries and regions.

We used our knowledge of what works for the world’s top creative agencies and agile development teams to create a service model that benefits clients and creatives. Namely: concentrated, focused effort with clear objectives.

Want to learn more about how our approach can tap into your organization’s potential?

About Erin

Erin Eisinger is an award-winning strategist, experience designer and creative director for websites, digital products, and experiences.

For nearly twenty years, Erin has helped companies increase revenue, reduce costs, and engage customers and employees. She’s worked with organizations of all sizes —noted Fortune 500 companies to burgeoning startups—in the US and abroad to rethink how they engage with customers and employees.

In 2010, she founded Four By North as an international consultancy for branding, design and digital media, product development, and customer experience, and continues to lead the studio after moving operations from Istanbul to Los Angeles.

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